Questions sur les informations du pays Règles et réglementations Santé, accidents et assurance responsabilité

Is the au pair always bearing the costs of the private medical insurance and the liability?

You state that the au pair bears the costs of the private medical insurcance and the all-inclusive liability. Is there still a chance that the host family is going to bear at least part of the costs?

1 Answerslatest answer: 7 years ago 2895 views

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Dear au pair,

What we've stated there is common practice.

But of course - it is up to you and the host family to talk about this

aspect when going through the details of the au pair contract.

Generally just about everything regarding your work as an au pair can be

negotiated between you and the host family. However, we recommend to have

all modifications from the standard you've agreed upon be put in writing as

part of the contract. That way you both will be on the safe side.

Best regards,


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